Ben Paine Farm

Thursday Grower Season Farmers Market, May-mid-November: A-Shed
Saturday Grower Season Farmers Market, May-October: A-Shed
Saturday Holiday Season Farmers Market, November-December: F-Shed
Sunday Winter Season Flea Market, November - April: A-Shed

Ben Paine is always above PAR when it comes to bringing fresh produce to the Market. A fifth generation farmer, Ben, offers a wide variety of vegetables including what’s fresh this week: Parsnips! Ben explains while parsnips are close to a carrot, they pack a sweeter punch to your taste buds.

Having been at the Market for 64 years, Ben loves seeing the same customers returning to his stall every Saturday. He's even known some of them his entire life! Explaining the importance of supporting your local farmers, Ben shares that your produce from the Market is hand-picked by generations of family farmers and therefore, it's more fresh than items at the grocery store. As Ben's seen, many customers place a higher value on the quality of produce they are purchasing and have realized that such quality is only accessible at local farmers markets.